Admission Time

    As  all  the courses are distant education in nature, student are admitted throughout the year. They can commence their studies immediately after admission. However, examination  will be  held only twice a year- FEBRUARY  &  AUGUST

Eligibility for Admission 

      Applicants should have completed minimum 16 years of age on the date of admission and there is no upper age limit.
        A pass in SSC/SSLC/HSC/Matriculation or Equivalent, Graduates/Post Graduates/ Diploma Holders/Engineering Graduates.


          NO Formal Qualification: Open Education system - A Candidate who does not have any educational qualification can also join the diploma courses under open education system. But candidate should be 21 years of age at the time of joining the course and little knowledge of writing and reading English or Hindi.

          Admission Procedure

              Candidate  on receiving  the  registration form and prospectus should  go through it carefully and then fill up  the registration form. The filled- in registration form along with the prescribed fee should  be sent to the Institute  on or before the last date mentioned in the registration form.

              The following materials will be  dispatched to the students immediately after admission.

                          1. Admission Intimation

                          2. Relevant study materials

                          3. Model Question Papers

                          4. Application for Examination

          How to Apply:
          • Download the Application Form.
          • Take a Print out.
          • Fill it.
          • Send to us with the Required Fee ( in DD) and the Required Enclosures.

          Permanent Roll Number (P.R.No.)

              Permanent Roll Number (P.R.No.) will be  allotted to the students on admission. In all commutation addressed to  the institutes, this P.R number should be mentioned. Letters received without P.R. No. will not be attended to.

          Change of Address

             All communication including study material will be sent to  the students to the address given in the application form. If there is any change in the address, it should be intimated  to the institute  immediately with  P.R. Number. Students are advised to make necessary arrangements with the  concerned Postal Authority  for getting the study materials and  other letters redirected to their new address, as it may take sometime to effect the  change of address.

          Validity of Registration

              Registration fee once paid is valid for three years from the date of registration. Students after completing one diploma course can join  another diploma course, without remitting registration fee again, but within three years from the date of registration.

          Students who do not complete ONE YEAR diploma course within three years will be  removed from the Rolls and they have to re-register themselves with the institute by paying a fresh registration fee.